Founding Chair, Advisory Board • Advisory Board Member • Donor
It was in the office of her son’s private college counselors that Susie Richardson met Sarita Barry and was introduced to the beginning of an idea that would ultimately be called Foundation for a College Education. She learned that Chris Roe and Glenn Singleton were providing one-on-one college advising to East Palo Alto students at no cost. Inspired by the passion of these founders to help first generation students access and graduate from 4-year colleges, Susie became one
of FCE’s first volunteers, and the founding chair of FCE’s Board. She watched as FCE gained the understanding of what students and families needed, and then watched them deliver it.
Beyond its original program of providing high-quality college counseling, FCE also helps students to achieve academically, develop cultural competency, and expand leadership skills. “And then, to this rich combination of support, FCE adds the special sauce,” Susie claims, “they treat parents as partners.” FCE parents know that their students, and FCE, need them. They are open and supportive of the process; they learn about financial aid, college admissions, and they share the emotional challenges of sending a child off to college. “People show up, and they care!”
For its 10-year anniversary, Susie and a planning team of three brought Cornell West to the Garden Court in Palo Alto for FCE’s first fundraising benefit, which set the stage for FCE’s March to Success Gala, now an annual event.